Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Top 10 Weight Loss Myths 

Found this interesting article while browsing a few days ago..
Thought I'd share this with you..
Writings in this color are my notes ;) 

  • If I drastically cut calories, I'll lose weight faster.
When you take your caloric intake down too low, you are actually sending your body into "starvation mode." Your body wants to maintain your weight when it "thinks" you are starving; therefore, your metabolism will actually slow down and you may not lose weight.
~> this is the reason we need to have a healthy diet that involves ingredients such as fresh fruits & veggies, lean meats, legumes, etc. 

  • The stricter the diet, the better it will work.
The stricter a diet is -- such as completely eliminating entire food groups or eating just one food -- the less effective it will be in the end. You'll get tired of the allowed food and when you feel really deprived, you're likely to call it quits altogether.
~> combine various healthy ingredients to create wonderful dish to prevent you from feeling bored and deprived.

  • I should get rid of my favorite less-than-healthful foods.
By treating yourself to your old favorites now and again, you'll stay motivated and you'll be less likely to give in to a binge. (Just make sure you get back on track after your treat.) Moderation is the key to successful, long-term weight loss.
~> hey, I still give myself some treats once in a while, in a relatively small portion. Why? Because after implementing 'clean eating' for a while, I don't really crave that much.

  • Eating late at night will cause me to gain weight.
All things considered, it doesn't really matter when you eat, only how many calories you eat and burn in a day. Whether you're eating in the morning or at midnight, your body turns any extra calories into fat over the course of time. In fact, eating a light snack -- like cheese and crackers -- before bed may help you sleep better.
~> choose what you eat wisely, at all times! 

  • I shouldn't eat between meals.
On the contrary, eating a small, healthful snack between meals will help keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism going strong. You'll also avoid getting too hungry so you don't overeat at your next meal.
~> choose you snack wisely too! 

  • Fat is bad.
Everybody needs to include some fat in their diet. Fat makes dishes more satisfying and palatable. Some fats are even good for you, like omega-3 fatty acids, which are found predominantly in fish and shellfish, and monounsaturated fat like that in olive oil.
~> salmon is rich in healthy fat, and when using olive/coconut oil I use the extra virgin one.

  • Skipping meals will help me lose weight.
On the contrary, skipping meals may actually cause you to gain weight! Your metabolism plummets and you get overly-hungry when go too long without eating. Plus, you may not be reaching your daily calorie requirements which will backfire on you (Remember, eating too few calories can cause weight loss to stall). That's why eating the meal we skip most, breakfast, can actually help us lose weight.
~> trust me, don't skip it! Read my previous post regarding my experience.

  • Dairy is a "don't" on healthy diets.
Women in particular need the calcium dairy products provide, not to mention the fact that research has shown eating enough calcium can actually give our weight loss efforts a boost.
~> if you're lactose intolerant, there are some alternatives that you could choose from. Go to my May 30th post to know more about those milks.

  • It all boils down to willpower.
Yes, willpower may be a factor when it comes to how we respond to cravings, but a lot more factors can impact our weight, including genetics, culture, home environment, activity level and health issues. The good news is eating a healthy diet and exercising can help you overcome these influences.
~> set a goal, create a strategy, and stick with it! 

  • Drinking a lot of water can help me lose weight.
Drinking water in and of itself will not lead to weight loss. Of course, water is key to a healthy lifestyle and drinking enough has many benefits, but when people lose weight due to drinking water, it's most likely because they're substituting it for high-calorie juices and sodas.
~> avoid sugary drinks!


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